Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Chapter 37

happy day..
today wake up in the afternoon..
saw her message..' tomorrow i go watch Treasure Hunter'
whao ..happy sia.. finally she reply me..
LOL...then sms with her lo..
say 12 reach there...
hahaha... then i asking her wether want go sing-k anot.
but she still not reply me..
haiz...nvm la.. as i can go enjoy movie with her very happy liao lah..
but she with her friend.. nvm bah.. hope her freind know do..
lol.. hmmm.. dad call me to go dinner with family on 31st Dec.
if i can accompany him for dinner from 11-pm to 12.30am then he gv me 100 bucks..
no choice lo..he mention until like this jor..
hm...really wondering what to wear tomorrow..
haha...tonight do mask 1st..
cause consider our 1st outing...LOL...
erm..don't know meet her will paiseh anot ler.. later face turn red very paiseh de wor..
haha...try to overcome with it.
u can do it Alex.. Gambathe !!
Ohya...sorry cheng heng that i cannot attend ur count down party on thursday..
had to go wtih family..
u guys enjoy bah...
wish me good luck tomorrow...!

Hmm...kah fai kah fai..
she seems like him very much..
i had listen to his song ' Xia Ban Sheng "
okok la...if i had a chance i will sing for her this song..lol..

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